Our Causes


Each year as a branch we endeavour to support other charities in Scotland who like us do their utmost to support our Veterans. Please take some time to look at their work by clicking the links below

In 2015, through various fundraising events the branch raised over £1000 for Soldiers off the Streets - Scotland. 

Hugh O'Brian (right) pictured presenting the cheque to Hammy from Soldiers off the Street -Scotland. 

Hugh O'Brian and Frank Alexander pictured below cycling around the Isle of Cumbrea fundraising for SOTS-S.

Again in 2016 the branch will be fundraising for SOTS-S.

"Around 10-12% of rough sleepers in the United Kingdom are veterans of the British Armed Forces. Many veterans sleeping rough have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) & associated conditions such as alcohol &/or drug addictions as a result.

As well as helping veterans who have been sleeping rough, we also help those who are "sofa surfing" & veterans who are in accommodation but find themselves facing homelessness through no fault of their own.

Our aim is to get as many homeless veterans off the streets & back into normal, civilian life as possible. We are a small team of a regular, core volunteers. None of us receives a wage of any kind & we all fit our work with Soldiers Off The Street - Scotland around our own jobs & family life.

While we rely on our small, core group of volunteers, we receive no governmental funding & we cannot continue our work with homeless veterans without the kindness & generosity of the general public.

Quote courtesy SOTS-S website

In 2016 the branch are also fundraising for Scottish War Blinded, 

"Scottish War Blinded provides free support to veterans of the armed forces who have a visual impairment sustained either in conflict or subsequently to their service. We support ex-service men and women who have served in the Armed Forces, including Reserves, Queen Alexandra Nursing Corps and National Service.

Located in Wilkieston, West Lothian, the Linburn Centre welcomes veterans for a range of activities, vision rehabilitation, independent living skills training, and groups frequently go on adventurous outings. The Linburn Centre is a friendly welcoming environment that has been specially designed for people of all ages who have lost some or all of their sight.

Scottish War Blinded has nine Outreach Workers provide a one-stop contact point for members across Scotland. Outreach Workers support members by liaising with statutory and voluntary agencies, providing specialist visual impairment equipment, promoting mobility and independent living, as well as introducing social opportunities in the local community.

At the beginning of 2016, construction of a new centre for Scottish War Blinded members in Paisley, Renfrewshire began. Our new Scottish War Blinded centre in Paisley will enable veterans from across the West of Scotland to benefit from a similar range of facilities and support to what's currently available at the Linburn Centre in West Lothian.

If you or someone you know could benefit from Scottish War Blinded's activities, call us free today on 0800 035 6409 or visit www.guidethem.org"

Courtesy of SWB

Largs Branch, Royal British Legion Scotland, Largs, North Ayrshire, Scotland - Scottish Charity No. SC045613
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